Komputer Industri AIO

  • 7 Inch Touch Screen High Brightness Panel PC

    7 Inch Touch Screen High Brightness Panel PC

    Lilliput 7 inch high brightness touch panel PC has a stable and reliable system, and the panel PC with rich interfaces, such as Wireless / BT communication and flexible I/O interfaces to meet different application area needed ,such as personal entertainment, emergency command, transportation scheduling, mobile office, multimedia advertising, industrial control and so on.

  • 7 Inch AIO Industrial Computer

    7 Inch AIO Industrial Computer

    PC industri Lilliput 7 inci dilebetkeun ngagaduhan sistem anu stabil sareng dipercaya, sareng PC anu dilebetkeun ku interfaces anu euyeub, sapertos komunikasi Nirkabel, navigasi GPS, deteksi sesar, akuisisi pidéo sareng fungsi-fungsi sanésna, diperpanjang pikeun nyayogikeun pangguna nganggo multimédia mobile anu dipasang dina kendaraan. sistem inpormasi. Ogé pc industri anu dilebetkeun tiasa seueur dianggo dina hiburan pribadi, paréntah darurat, penjadwalan transportasi, kantor sélulér, iklan multimedia, kontrol industri sareng bidang sanés.